- 1. General provisions
1. General provisions 1.1. The Code of Professional Ethics of medical Workers of the GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center of the State Institution of Health Management of the Zhetisu region (hereinafter referred to as the Code) is a set of general principles of professional ethics and basic rules of professional conduct.
1.2. This Code has been developed in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Health of the People and the Healthcare System” and other applicable regulatory legal acts in the field of healthcare.
1.3. The provisions of this Code apply to all employees of the Center, regardless of the level of their position and period of work, including medical registrars, junior and other staff, students of medical universities, colleges who practice at the Center.
1.4. This Code is intended to improve the efficiency of the Center’s employees in fulfilling their official duties.
1.5. A citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who enters the Center, gets acquainted with the provisions of the Code, observes them in the process of his
- 2. The mission and values of the organization.
Our mission:
Бар жақсылық – білім, тәжірибе және сүйіспеншілік науқастардың игілігі үшін!
Все лучшее – знание, опыт и любовь во благо пациента!
All good – knowledge, experience and love for the good of the sick!
Get up A person receives highly qualified, affordable medical care based on standard and innovative technologies and using the achievements of world science and practice in the treatment of diseases of the circulatory system.
We are steadily improving the effectiveness of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and the quality of medical care for patients, based on the experience and traditions of the Center, through continuous professional development of employees and the formation of a high corporate culture, professional honor and pride.
We are aware of our responsibility to everyone who has asked us for help.
Our values:
- legality and decency in dealing with our patients and partners;
- providing safe and optimized medical care;
- patient-centered quality assurance;
- introduction of the latest technologies and equipment;
- maintaining and developing the professional qualifications of the staff;
- corporativity;
- 3. Objectives of the Code
3.1. The purpose of this Code is to define the fundamental values, principles of work, ethical standards and rules of professional conduct of medical staff aimed at improving the effectiveness of their interaction in the course of fulfilling their functional duties and achieving the strategic goals of the organization.
- 4. Objectives of the Code
4.1. Defining the values of a medical professional and implementing mechanisms for introducing each employee to these values.
4.2. Creating a favorable environment for the development of a corporate culture based on high ethical standards.
4.3. Definition and consolidation of norms and standards of work – rules of communication, corporate culture, norms of effective organization of work in a team
5. Rights and obligations of medical workers
5.1. Medical and pharmaceutical workers have the right to:
- providing the necessary conditions for the implementation of professional activities;
- private medical practice and pharmaceutical activities;
- professional development at the expense of budgetary funds or the employer, if they are employees of organizations in the non-governmental health sector, at least once every five years;
- retraining at the expense of budgetary funds or the employer in cases of dismissal of an employee due to a reduction in the number of staff or the liquidation of public health organizations;
- compensation for damage caused to life or health in connection with the performance of work (official) duties;
- unhindered and free use of communication facilities belonging to organizations or citizens, as well as any available means of transport for transporting a citizen to the nearest medical organization in cases that threaten his life;
- provision of office housing;
- reimbursement of transportation costs related to the traveling nature of the activity;
encouraging z
5.2. Professional development and retraining of scientific and pedagogical personnel of public health organizations are carried out at the expense of budgetary funds, employer’s funds, own funds, as well as at the expense of other non-prohibited sources.
5.3. Medical and pharmaceutical workers are obliged to:
- properly perform their professional duties, treat patients with respect and humanity, and be guided by the principles of medical ethics and deontology;
- to promote disease prevention and health promotion of citizens, to provide medical care;
- to provide emergency medical care to the population in emergency cases;
- to carry out work on the promotion of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle among the population;
- to comply with the Code of Honor of Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers, to keep medical secrets, not to disclose information about diseases, intimate and family life of citizens;
- continuously develop and improve your professional level;
to involve, if necessary, specialists of a different profile or higher qualifications for consultation.
5.4. In the performance of professional duties, it is not allowed for medical and pharmaceutical workers to commit any actions (inaction) according to their religious beliefs, as well as to conduct (commit) religious rites and ceremonies that may cause harm to the life and health of individuals.
5.5. In relations with colleagues, employees should:
- observe generally accepted moral and ethical standards, be polite and correct;
- do not refuse selfless help and seek advice from colleagues yourself, if the interests of the patient require it.;
- do not publicly question the professional qualifications of another medical and pharmaceutical worker;
- to multiply the traditions and achievements of Kazakh medicine.
5.6. Compliance by medical and pharmaceutical workers with the Code of Honor is their professional duty.
5.7. The staff of the Center, by decision of its head, may consider the fact of non-compliance by a medical and pharmaceutical employee with the provisions of the Code of Honor and issue a public censure based on the results of the review.
5.8. The Head of the Center ensures that the text of the Code of Honor is placed in places of visual agitation.
6. Labor relations of employees.
6.1. The labor relations of employees are regulated by the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6.2. Remuneration of employees is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Collective Agreement.
6.3. The appointment and dismissal of the heads of subordinate organizations and their deputies is carried out by the authorized body.
- 7. Responsibility of a medical employee of a state medical organization for violation of the provisions of this Code
7.1. Compliance by medical and pharmaceutical workers with this Code is their professional duty.
7.2. If the violation of ethical standards simultaneously affects legal norms, the medical worker is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7.3. All facts of non-compliance by a medical and pharmaceutical employee with this Code are considered by the Ethical Commission of the State Committee for Medical Research at the Regional Cardiology Center.
- 8. Powers of the Ethics Commission
8.1. The Ethics Commission (Commission) protects the rights, safety and well-being of patients and employees of the Center, as well as the moral, ethical and legal assessment of clinical trial materials.
8.2. The purpose of the commissions is to protect human rights and dignity.
8.3. Study, generalization and dissemination of the experience of other medical organizations on the implementation of the principles of the Code of Ethics in the practice of their activities.
8.4. Consideration of letters and statements of employees received by the Ethics Commission.
8.5. Consideration of issues related to violations of ethical standards and requirements of the Code of Ethics by employees.
8.6. The Ethics Commission, in accordance with the decision to verify the facts of violations of ethical standards, has the right to: – involve specialists in relevant fields (law, management, economic security and others); – invite applicants and other persons for hearing, whose information will help to clarify all necessary circumstances, and make a decision
8.7. The Ethics Commission may apply various measures of influence of the Code of Ethics to the violator of the Code of Ethics.
- 9. Tasks of the Ethics Commission
9.1. The main tasks of the Ethics Commission are:
- contributing to the achievement of the purpose of the Code of Ethics — the establishment of ethical standards, rules of professional conduct and employee relationships for the decent performance of their professional duties;
- resolving ethical conflicts, providing assistance, including confidential consultations, in order to ensure a favorable moral and psychological climate in the workforce;
- The Ethics Commission does not consider cases related to violations of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan by employees.
- 10. The operation of the Code of Ethics.
10.1. This Code is valid within the GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center of the State Institution of Health Management of the Zhetisu region and is binding on all employees.
- 11. Revision and interpretation of the Code of Ethics.
11.1. The revision and interpretation of certain provisions of this Code is carried out by the Ethics Commission, taking into account the proposals of employees.