Қазақ тілі Русский язык

Nurmukhanbetova Marzhan Alibekovna is a cardiologist.

Head of the clinical and diagnostic department.

Work experience is 10 years. A doctor of the first category.

2006-2012 Education: Higher medical education. Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Faculty of Medicine.

2012-2013 – internship at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, specialty – therapy.

2013 clinical advanced training on the basis of the State Institute of Cardiology and Internal Medicine in Almaty.- specialty is adult cardiology.

2019- advanced training on the basis of “DAMU” in Almaty, specialty – Medical rehabilitation.

2019: Internship at the hospitals of the Cardiology Center of Munich (Germany).

From 2012 to the present, in the Cardiology Center of Taldykurgan, in the Department of Cardiology and Clinical diagnostics.

Shakenova Zhanar Akhmetkhanovna

A cardiologist.

2000-2006 higher education – medical ,Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiarov – medical business.

2006 – 2007 – internship at the Kazakh National Medical University

S.D. Asfendiarov – medical business.

2009 – 2011 – residency at the Institute of Cardiology and the World Bank, specialty – gastroenterology.

2015– Research Institute of Cardiology and the World Bank retraining in Cardiology.

2020 – assignment of the first category in the specialty Cardiology (ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty , functional diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty, interventional cardiology, interventional arrhythmia , adult)

Professional development over the past five years:

2018 -Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, Astana branch

according to the cycle, questions of cardiology in the clinic of internal diseases .

2018– RMA in the specialty and cardiology (adult and children)

Kenesbaeva Gulnar Shynarbekovna

ultrasound diagnostics doctor

A doctor of the first category.

1988 – 1995 – higher education. She graduated from Semipalatinsk State Medical Institute with a degree in pediatrics.

1995 -1996 internship at the Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital in Semipalatinsk.

1996-2003. “GKP Taldykorgan Children’s Hospital – pediatrician.

2010 – retraining in functional diagnostics

2012 – advanced training.”Ultrasound diagnosis of CHD in children”.

2013 – Ultrasound diagnostics after implantation of the LVADHeartMate left ventricular mechanical support device

2014 – retraining in the specialty “Ultrasound diagnostics”

2017-professional development. Ultrasound in cardiology.

From 2010 to the present, he has been working at the GKP na PHV Regional Cardiology Center in Moscow.Taldykorgan.



Kadyrova Akalkyn Musagalievna is a doctor of the clinical diagnostic laboratory. Work experience is 25 years. A doctor of the highest category. 1990-1998 Education – Graduated from Semipalatinsk State Medical Institute with a degree in pediatrics.01.11. 2002 to 12/30/2002-AGIUV “Clinical biochemistry.12.03.2009 to 07/13/2029-advanced training in the cycle “Clinical laboratory diagnostics” at the Russian State Unitary Enterprise AGIUV.2014-advanced training “Laboratory diagnostics of hemostasis disorders” AGIUV.2015- advanced training in the specialty “CDL Modern methods of laboratory diagnostics”.2016-advanced training in the specialty Laboratory diagnostics according to the cycle “ Implementation of a quality management system for the activities of medical laboratories”.2019-advanced training in the specialty Clinical laboratory diagnostics according to the cycle “Basic research methods in clinical laboratory diagnostics”.2023 – advanced training in the specialty Clinical laboratory


Gulmira Talgatovna Alipova is a cardiologist and functionalist.

A doctor of functional diagnostics.

Work experience is 13 years. A doctor of the highest category.

2003-2009 Education: Higher medical education. Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Faculty of Medicine.

2009-2010 – internship at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, specialty – general practitioner

2011 clinical advanced training on the basis of the State Institute of Cardiology and Internal Medicine in Almaty.- specialty is adult cardiology.

2014 retraining in the specialty “Functional diagnostics” at the Kazakh-Russian Medical University

2017 – advanced training on the basis of the International Institute of Postgraduate Education in Almaty – Rehabilitation of diseases of the cardiovascular system

2022-2023: Disease prevention and an integrative systemic approach in the treatment of Anti AgeExpert (France).

Since 2010, he has been working at the Taldykurgan Cardiology Center in the Department of Cardiology and Clinical Diagnostics.



Anashova Ainur Anashovna

General practitioner and ultrasound diagnostics

A doctor of the first category.

2006-2012 higher education – medical ,Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiarov – medical business.

2012-2013 – internship at S.D. Asfendiarov Kazakh National Medical University – therapist

2013 – AGIUV (Almaty State Institute of Advanced Medical Training) in Almaty – retraining in adult hematology

2013 – GKP on PCV “Regional hospital” Taldykorgan – general practitioner

2016-2021 – GKP on PCV “Regional hospital” Taldykorgan – hematologist

2021-Republican Medical Academy (RMA) – retraining in radiation diagnostics (diagnostic radiology)

2021-2023 – GKP on PCV “Regional hospital” Taldykorgan –Head of Department of Hematology

2023 – advanced training in echocardiography in Barnaul (Russia),

2023 -Kazakh-Russian Medical University (KRMU) for Vascular Surgery (UZDG),(BCA, vessels of the upper and lower extremities)

From 2023 to the present, he has been working at the GKP na PHV Regional Cardiology

Yulusheva Guzal Salavatovna is a doctor of ultrasound. Gulusheva Guzal Salavatovna is a doctor of ultrasound education.Graduated from TMA-G.Tashkent from 1997 to 2004 – medical business.Specialty -GP doctor.In 2018, specialization in KazMuNo -radiation diagnostics is a doctor of UZDG.She worked as a GP doctor from 2005 to 2018, an ultrasound doctor from 2019 to 2023 in Taldykorgan.







Kurmasheva Zhanagul Meiramkhanovna

A cardiologist.

Cardiologist of the clinical diagnostic department.

Work experience is 8 years. A doctor of the first category.

2008-2013 Education: Higher medical education. Semey State Medical Academy. Faculty: General Medicine.

2013-2015 – internship in the conditions of the NAO “Semey Medical University”, specialty – therapy.


2016-2019 – residency in the specialty “Cardiology, including pediatric”. Semey Medical University.

2015-2017 – General practitioner of the emergency department of the Semey Emergency Hospital.

2019-2022: Cardiologist at NSU MC “Nur-Avicenum” Taldykorgan.

From 2021 to the present, the Department of Cardiology and Clinical Diagnostics has been working at the Taldykurgan Cardiology Center.


Clinical Diagnostic Department (KDO)

The doctors of the clinical diagnostic department conduct a consultative reception of patients using highly effective methods of diagnosis and treatment.

In the clinical diagnostic department, you can get advice and treatment for the following

areas such as cardiology, cardiac surgery, and X-ray surgery.

Instrumental diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system:


* Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart)

* Daily monitoring of blood pressure ECG

* Holter ECG monitoring (24 hours)

* Electrocardiological examination with dosed physical activity

(tremil, bicycle ergometer) (VEM)

* Ultrasound of the kidneys

* Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

*Transesophageal pacing (ischemic test and determination

*Transesophageal pacing (ischemic test and determination of the function of the SU and AV joints)

*Ultrasound of the pleura and pleural cavities