Қазақ тілі Русский язык


Bakytzhan Akbota Bakytzhanovna – a cardiologist. Head of the Cardiology department.

Work experience is 14 years. A doctor of the first category.

2002-2008 higher education-medical, West Kazakhstan State Medical Academy named after Marat Ospanov, Faculty of Medicine.

2008-2009 internship at the West Kazakhstan State Medical Academy named after Marat Ospanov, specializing in general practitioner.

02.09.2009 to 31.12.2009 retraining in the specialty: “Clinical laboratory diagnostics”.

02.09.2013 to 12/24/2013 retraining in the specialty: “Cardiology, including interventional”.

2011 – present in the Regional Cardiology Center of Taldykorgan, Department of Cardiology, cardiologist, head of the cardiology department.

Professional development in the last 5 years:

2016 – in KazMUNO according to the cycle “Strategy of management of patients with ACS at the prehospital stage” (cardiology)

09/26/2016 to 12/31/2016 retraining in the specialty “Clinical pharmacology”

She was awarded the badge “Excellent Healthcare Worker” by Order No. 391 dated May 27, 2022.

He has extensive experience in the treatment of patients with ACS, MI, LDC, CHF. He treats patients after stenting. Preparing patients for open-heart surgery. According to the program, CHF prepares patients for heart transplantation and LVAD implantation.


Kazhytaeva, Nazerke Yerbolatovna– Cardiologist

Cardiologist from 2003 to 2009 education: Higher medical education, Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov Faculty: medicine.

2009-2010 internship at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, specialty – general practitioner.

2010-2012 GKP on PCV City polyclinic-by specialty uch- doctor

2012-2014 Nur-Avicenum NeGU Medical Center, specialty: internist – resident

2014-2016 Taldykorgan Branch of the KHAK Medical Center specializing in general practitioner, cardiologist

2014 On the basis of the Almaty State Institute of Advanced Medical Training in the specialty cardiologist

2016-2017 AMD Clinic-Almaty city-family doctor

2017-2019 GKP on PCV TGMB – general practitioner, cardiologist

2019 to the present in the Regional Cardiology Center of Taldykorgan, Department of Cardiology, cardiologist.

In 2020, the first qualification category in cardiology was awarded.

Turysheva Gulfairuz Bolatbekovna – cardiologist
Education: Higher education:
2006-2012 Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfnediyarov, Faculty of Medicine.
2012-2013 internship at the Kazakh-Russian Medical University with a degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
2013 Primary specialization in the specialty “therapy”.
2018. Primary specialization in the specialty “Interventional cardiology” on the basis of KazMUNO.
2021 Primary specialization in the specialty “Medical rehabilitation”
Work experience:
2012 – 2015 Emergency medical service in Almaty, Doctor.
2015-2017 Internist at Health City LLP in Almaty
from 2019 to the present at the Regional Cardiology Center in Taldykorgan, Department of Cardiology, cardiologist, rehabilitologist.


Kim Inna Viktorovna -Cardiologist

2006-2012 higher education – medical, Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, Faculty of Medicine

2012-2013 internship at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, specializing in general practitioner

2013-2016 residency at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, specializing in cardiology, including pediatric

2016 – present at the Regional Cardiology Center of Taldykorgan, Department of Cardiology, cardiologist

Professional development in the last 5 years:

2016 – in KazMUNO according to the cycle “Strategy for the management of patients with acute coronary syndrome at the prehospital stage” (cardiology)

2019 – at the International Progressive Academy LLP on the cycle “Issues of cardiology in the Clinic of internal Diseases”

He is a senior resident in the Department of Cardiology. In addition to professional treatment of patients, he has experience in functional diagnostics (SMAD,

Sairambekova, Saltanat Sharipovna

The total work experience is 10 years. Since 2017, a cardiologist at the OCC Taldykorgan From 2019 to 2021, head of the emergency department of the OCC from 2021 to 2023, a cardiologist, a doctor of functional diagnostics at the Institute of Surgery “Mediterra” From 2023, a cardiologist, functional diagnostics of the OCC Taldykorgan

Studies: from 2006 to 2012 Kaz NMU named after S.J. Asfendiyarov, specialty doctor, medical practice.from 2006 to 2012 Kaz NMU named after S.J. Asfendiyarov, specializing in medicine, medical practice.from 2012 to 2013 Kaz NMU named after S.J. Asfendiyarov in the specialty internist 2015 to 2016 Retraining Kaz NMU named after S.J. Asfendiyarov in the specialty cardiologist 2020 Retraining “Republican Institute of Postgraduate Training of doctors” in the specialty Functional diagnostics. 2020 Advanced training in the specialty “Functional diagnostics” 108hours. 2022 Advanced training of Kaz NMU named after S.Asfendiyarov ” Topical issues in arrhythmology”
2022 Advanced training


Veliyev Jamaladin Dzhilingirovich



From 2006-2012, KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, medical business

In 2013, he completed an internship at NUO KRMU with a degree in Therapy

In 2016, he was retrained in the specialty “General medical practice”, KazMUNOg.Almaty

In 2018, he was retrained in the specialty “Radiation diagnostics, Ultrasound diagnostics component”, Republican Medical Academy, branch in Taldykorgan

In 2019, he was retrained in the specialty “Cardiology”, Republican Medical Academy, branch in Taldykorgan

Work experience:

From 2013-2021, GKP at the Koksu CRH, general practitioner

From 2021-2022, MC HAK LLP branch in Taldykorgan, general practitioner

From 2022-2023, GKP at the Koksu CRH, head of the district polyclinic, general practitioner

Since 2023, the Regional Cardiology Center of Taldykorgan has been working at the PCV


Filippova Irina Alexandrovna – cardiologist, expert and internal audit.

Master of Business Administration – Executive MBA.

2005-2011 higher education – medical S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Faculty of Medicine.

2011-2012 internship at the Kazakh-Russian Medical University in the specialty “therapy”.

2012 – 2014 GKP at the Koksuska CRH, resident physician in the therapeutic department

2014 – 2017 GKP at the Koksu CRH, Head of the therapeutic department

2017 – retraining in cardiology “Cardiology, including interventional” on the basis of the Almaty State Institute of Advanced Medical Training.

2017-2021 – NAO FSMS – Chief expert in the Monitoring Department

2021 Currently, the Regional Cardiology Center has an expert doctor and an internal audit in the State Enterprise for the PCV.

Professional development in the last 5 years:

2016 – in KazMUNO according to the cycle “Strategy for the management of patients with acute coronary syndrome at the prehospital stage” (cardiology)

2019 – in “Me” LLP

Baktybayeva Aizhan Yeranovna – freelance cardiologist

2013-2018 education: Higher medical education, Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov Faculty: General Medicine

2018-2020 internship at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, specializing in general practitioner.

2020 GKP on PCV TGMB is a general practitioner.

2020-2023 internship at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, specializing in adult cardiology, including children.

2023 from September to the present in the Regional Cardiology Center of Taldykorgan, Department of Cardiology, cardiologist.

Work experience is 3 years.

The regional cardiology center has an adult cardiology department that provides specialized medical care to the population of the Zhetisu region and the city of Taldykorgan. The cardiology department has 80 beds. To improve the quality of emergency care, 1 intensive care unit with 4 beds has been deployed.

The departments employ qualified specialists with extensive experience in cardiology, and well-trained secondary and junior medical staff.
The department is designed for emergency treatment of patients with acute forms of coronary heart disease: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction; complicated forms of arterial hypertension, myocarditis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stages of decompensation.
Preparations are underway for surgical intervention, coronary angiography, implantation of pacemakers, and denervation of the renal artery.