Regional Cardiology Center in Taldykorgan
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GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center announces a tender for the purchase of sets of consumables for coronary angiography and stenting of coronary arteries, for the installation of permanent pacemakers, for 2017 from the republican budget: (a brief description of the goods and their quantity, volume, allocated amount for purchase, a complete list of purchased goods, and detailed specification are indicated in the tender documentation).
The Regional Cardiology Center announces a tender for the purchase of sets of consumables for open heart surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting, for the purchase of reagents for the detection of troponins in serum, plasma or whole blood on the immunochromatographic express analyzer *Easi Reader* ,on the PATHFAST analyzer, on the Alere Triage Meter analyzer Pro, for 2017 from the republican budget: (a brief description of the goods and their quantity, volume, allocated amount for purchase, a complete list of purchased goods, and a detailed specification are specified in the tender documentation).
The Regional Cardiology Center announces a tender for the procurement of the following goods: reagents for the detection of troponins in serum, plasma or whole blood (a brief description of the goods and their quantity, volume, allocated amount for purchase, a complete list of purchased goods, and detailed specifications are specified in the tender documentation.
GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center of the State Institution of Health Management of the Almaty region, Taldykorgan, announces a tender for the purchase of sets of consumables for open heart surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting, coronary angiography and stenting of coronary arteries, for the installation of permanent pacemakers, for 2016 from the republican budget
GKP on the PCV “Regional Cardiological Center” of the State Institution of Health Management of the Almaty region, 224 Eskeldy bi str., Taldykorgan, notifies of amendments to the tender documentation for the purchase of suture material for open heart surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting, for 2016 from the republican budget, scheduled for July 05, 2016, according to “Rules for the organization and procurement of medicines, preventive (immunobiological, diagnostic, disinfecting) drugs, medical devices and medical equipment, pharmaceutical services for the provision of a guaranteed amount of free medical care”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 10/30/2009 No. 1729
GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center of the State Institution of Health Management of the Almaty Region, Taldykorgan, announces a tender for the purchase of suture material for open heart surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting, for 2016 from the republican budget.
GKP on the PCV “Regional Cardiological Center” of the Department of Health of the Almaty region, Taldykorgan, Eskeldy bi str. , 224, notifies of amendments to the tender documentation for the purchase of sets of consumables for coronary angiography and stenting of coronary arteries, for the installation of permanent pacemakers, for 2016 from the republican budget, scheduled for May 10, 2016 according to the “Rules for the organization and procurement of medicines, preventive (immunobiological, diagnostic, disinfecting) drugs, medical devices and medical equipment, pharmaceutical services for the provision of a guaranteed amount of free medical care”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 10/30/2009 No. 1729, section 2, Chapter 5, paragraph 32) of the above Rules.
GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center of the State Institution of Health Management of the Almaty region, Taldykorgan, announces a tender for the purchase of sets of consumables for coronary angiography and stenting of coronary arteries, installation of permanent pacemakers for 2016 from the republican budget.
GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center of the State Institution of Health Management of the Almaty Region, Taldykorgan, announces a tender for the purchase of sets of consumables for open heart surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting, for 2016 from the republican budget.
GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center of the State Institution of Health Management of the Almaty region, Taldykorgan, announces a tender for the purchase of sets of consumables for coronary angiography and stenting of coronary arteries, for 2016 from the republican budget.