Қазақ тілі Русский язык

Intensive Care Unit

Department staff:

Zhanabilov Arman Batkalievich Head of the Intensive Care Unit

Master of Business Administration – Executive MBA.

He studied at the “Kazakh-Russian Medical University” from 2006 to 2013 at the Faculty of Medicine, received the profession of a therapist.

He started his career in the “Ambulance Service” of Almaty from 2010 to 2013.

From 2013 to 2014, he worked as a therapist in the waiting room of the “City Cardiology Center” in Almaty.

From 2014 to 2017, he continued to work as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator in the intensive care unit of the “City Cardiology Center” in Almaty.

From 2017 to 2021, he was transferred to the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Cardiac Surgery service of the Almaty City Cardiology Center.

Also, from 2015 to 2017 and from 2020 to 2021, he worked as an anesthesiologist-intensive care specialist in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Republican Center “Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases” in Almaty.

Since June 2021, he has been employed at the Taldykorgan Regional Cardiology Center as the head of the intensive care unit and continues to work today.

Borikulov Nurdaulet Moldaseitovich

Anesthesiologist, intensive care physician, cardiologist.

Work experience is 11 years. A doctor of the first category.


  • 2006 – 2012 Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov specialty – Medical business.
  • 2012-2013 S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University internship in the specialty – General practitioner.
  • 2013 Almaty State Institute of Advanced Medical Training. He completed training in the medical specialty “Cardiology (adult, children’s), including interventional”.
  • 2014-2015 Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, Almaty. He completed training in the medical specialty “Anesthesiology and intensive care (adult, children’s)”.
  • 2018 Republican Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Astana. He completed training in the medical specialty “Functional diagnostics”


  • 2013 to 2015. GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center in Taldykorgan.

The position is a cardiologist.

  • 2015 to the present. GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center in Taldykorgan, Position – anesthesiologist – resuscitator.
  • 2018 to the present. State institution “Hospital with polyclinic of the Zhetysu region Police Department”. The position is a cardiologist.


  • 2019. “Topical issues of anesthesiology and intensive care”. The Republican Medical Academy.
  • 2019. “Issues of cardiology in the clinic of internal diseases”. KazMUNO, Astana.
  • 2021. “Multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of comorbid patients”. RSE on PCV “Kazakh Scientific Center of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases.
  • 2023. “Topical issues of anesthesiology and intensive care”. NAO “Semey Medical University”


Kovalsky Evgeny 

Study:  KAZNMU named after. Asfendiyarova 1992-1998

Category:  higher-cardiologist

Higher-intensive care unit-anesthesiologist

Work experience: >30 years

Place of work:   GKP on PCV”Regional Cardiology Center” since 2003


Kagazbekova Saule Boltabekovna. 11/21/1972 gr. From 1990 to 1993, she studied at the St. Petersburg Pediatric Medical Institute. From 1993 to 1996 he worked at the Almaty State Medical Institute, at the pediatric faculty. From 1997 to 1999, she worked as a pediatrician in 2 children’s polyclinic in Almaty. From 2000 to 2002, he was a pediatrician in a rural outpatient clinic. Tokzhailau of the Alakol district. In 2002, she completed her primary specialization in the specialty “Anesthesiology and intensive care” at the AGIUV in Almaty. From 2003 to 2006, she worked as an anesthesiologist and intensive care physician at CRH 2 a. Kabanbai. From 2006 to 2016, he was an anesthesiologist and intensive care physician at the Taldykorgan Regional Hospital. From 2012 to 2016, she served as the head of the ICU of the Taldykorgan Regional Hospital. From 2015 to 2020, he was a member of the examination commission for the assignment of a category in healthcare in the Almaty region. Since 2012, she has worked as an independent expert in the specialty of Anesthesiology and intensive care in the KKMDF of the Almaty region. Since 2016, I have been working as an intensive care physician in the ICU of the GKP at the Regional Cardiology Center in Taldykorgan.

The intensive care unit has 6 beds.

Hospitalization and provision of emergency cardiological medical care around the clock to patients with a cardiological profile, with life-threatening conditions in accordance with approved standards of medical care. These are acute coronary syndrome (acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina pectoris), cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders accompanied by circulatory insufficiency or coronary insufficiency or their progression, cardiogenic shock, severe arterial hypotension of cardiogenic, vascular or unclear nature, syncopal states of arrhythmic, vascular or unclear nature, other forms of acute and chronic heart failure (edema lungs), including patients with an artificial heart (LVAD), hypertensive crisis, including those complicated by acute heart failure, rhythm disturbances, encephalopathy, pulmonary embolism (PE).

The department is equipped with modern equipment. Functional beds that provide maximum comfort to patients staying in bed rest. Ventilation and air conditioning system, which creates an optimal microclimate in the department. A system for round-the-clock monitoring of vital body functions (ECG, blood pressure, heart rate, BDD, SP2, etc.). Upon admission, each patient is connected to equipment that facilitates real-time monitoring of the heart rhythm. Monitoring of the heart rate and ECG is carried out continuously throughout the patient’s stay in the department. Systems (perfusers) for long-term intravenous administration of drugs. Equipment for short-term and long-term artificial lung ventilation in full volume and quantity. Devices for auxiliary blood circulation – intra-aortic counterpulsators (VABCS ). Electric defibrillators.

The department employs qualified specialists with extensive experience in cardiology and well-trained secondary and junior medical staff.
Doctors successfully put into practice innovative
achievements in intensive care and cardiology for the diagnosis and treatment
of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The main direction is the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome.
The department is preparing for surgery,
coronary angiography, and implantation of pacemakers,
The department has established a systematic and team work to provide emergency care for BSK.

The close cooperation of intensive care specialists, surgeons and cardiologists
working in our center ensures timely, fast
and effective diagnosis, and the optimal choice of treatment method.